iOS 9.2.1 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know
Apple’s iOS 9.2.1 update is focused on fixing problems but it also brings some problems of its own. Today we want to take a look at these iOS 9.2.1 problems and provide you with some resources that should help if you run into an issue with Apple’s current upgrade for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
In December, Apple confirmed an iOS 9.2.1 beta for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The beta confirmed the existence of an iOS 9.2.1 update but it didn’t confirm a release date.
In mid-January, without warning, Apple took the iOS 9.2.1 update out of beta and released it for iOS 9 users around the world. iOS 9.2.1 is a small incremental update but it could have a big impact on iPhones, iPads and iPod touches.
iOS 9.2.1 is a bug fix update that also delivers security fixes to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It also, according to some iOS 9.2.1 users, brings some problems of its own.
This isn’t surprising to us and it shouldn’t be surprising to you either. iOS updates, even tiny ones like the iOS 9.2.1 update, always bring problems with them. Apple’s beta wipes out the most glaring issues but problems always slip through the cracks.
The iOS 9.2.1 update is now a month old and we continue to see complaints about iOS 9.2.1. We expect complaints about the iOS 9.2.1 update for weeks, even after Apple releases its next iOS 9 update. (Probably iOS 9.3.)
With that in mind, we want to outline what you need to know about these issues. This roundup provides a quick look at current iOS 9.2.1 problems, fixes for iOS 9.2.1 problems, and more.
iOS 9.2.1 Problems
Apple fixed those pesky iOS 9.2.1 Safari issues but there are still a number of problems with the latest upgrade.
iPad Pro users are complaining about keyboard lag issues that apparently persist after the iOS 9.2.1 update. iPad users are also complaining about a volume indicator bug that carries over from the previous version of iOS 9.
iPhone users are complaining about perceived bad iOS 9.2.1 battery life. We’re also seeing complaints about Notes and Safari.
iOS 9.2.1 more stable and smoother than 9.2. For some reason battery life drops quicker
— Eh (@dontgetongab) January 19, 2016
Anyone else experiencing their iPhone battery draining faster than normal after upgrading to iOS 9.2.1?
— E is for Erin (@baseballbabe_8) February 18, 2016
This battery drain with iOS 9.2.1 is driving me mad. Not used it all day and down to 40%
— Ryan Foster (@brian_ryan81) February 17, 2016
Blimey. iOS 9.2.1 is a battery hog! What is it DOING?
— Chris Ferguson (@Abstractnoise) February 17, 2016
In addition to those issues, the iPhone 6s battery percentage problem is also present on the iOS 9.2.1 update. Apple says that it still hasn’t worked out an official bug fix for the issue but there’s a chance the next iOS 9 update will feature a fix.
We’ve been using the iOS 9.3 beta 4 and we haven’t run into the battery percentage bug on the iPhone. Yet. Thats’s a good sign.
More recently, users have discovered a very serious flaw affecting iPhone and iPad owners on iOS 8 and iOS 9.
An iOS “1970” date trick/bug reportedly can cause any device with a 64-bit process to become unusable. In some cases temporarily, in others, permanently it seems. The issue is outlined in the video above.
Fortunately, it looks like the latest iOS 9.3 beta fixes the issue which means the iOS 9.3 update should fix the problem for good when it’s released to the public.
We’ve been using the iOS 9.2.1 update for a few weeks now but we haven’t run into any experience-breaking bugs on iOS 9.2.1. (Other than that 1970 date bug that we haven’t tried ourselves for obvious reasons.)
That said, you’re taking a risk (especially if you own an older device) by installing the iOS 9.2.1. That’s why we recommend taking a few steps to prepare yourself, and your device, for iOS 9.2.1.
Where to Find Feedback About iOS 9.2.1
You’ll want to keep an eye out for feedback about the iOS 9.2.1 update and its performance as we push further away from the release date.
Updated my iPhone to iOS 9.2.1 and my phone feels like it's on triple shots of espresso
— Jonathan Pena (@JoeNathan56) January 19, 2016
We’ve put together a couple of guides to help you. One is an iOS 9.2.1 review that outlines performance and issues on several devices including the iPhone 6s and iPhone 5.
We’ve also put together some reasons why you might want to install iOS 9.2.1 right now and some reasons why you might want to avoid it for the time being.
If you choose not to install iOS 9.2.1 today, monitor feedback for potential problems and bugs. We recommend keeping an eye on YouTube, Apple’s discussion forums, and the MacRumors forums for additional feedback about iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2 problems.
This feedback is going to be extremely valuable for all iOS users but particularly those who are coming from an older version of iOS.
If you own an iPhone 4s or an original iPad mini, and you’re running something older than iOS 9, you’ll absolutely want to dig into this feedback before making a move. Remember, once you upgrade to iOS 9, there’s no going back.
Fix for “Error 53”
It’s worth noting that Apple is rolling out a new iOS 9.2.1 build to iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad mini 4, iPad mini 3, iPad Air 2, and iPad Pro users who use iTunes to update to new software. The update isn’t designed for those who update Over-the-Air through settings.
This new iOS 9.2.1 build fixes the “Error 53” problem that bricked some devices after they were repaired through third-party avenues.
The new build restores devices that’ve been disabled by this problem and it will also prevent future “Error 53” issues.
How to Fix iOS 9.2.1 Problems
If you run into an iOS 9.2.1 problem today, tomorrow or in the future, don’t panic. There’s probably a fix out there for your issue.
If you start seeing issues on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, take a look at our list of fixes for common iOS 9 problems. It features fixes for the most common problems which include battery drain, Wi-Fi issues, and problems with Bluetooth. It also features a fix for the iPhone 6s battery percentage bug.
If you can’t find a fix there, take a look at Apple’s discussion forums for iPhone, iPad, Apple Music, and more.
The users there are generally very helpful and there’s a good chance that you’ll find someone with a fix for your problem on there.
You Can’t Downgrade to iOS 9.2
If you decide that you can no longer tolerate iOS 9.2.1 and its issues you’ll need to find a manual fix because there’s no longer a way to drop down to iOS 9.2.
Apple’s plugged up the loophole which means that once you install iOS 9.2.1 (and its problems), you’re stuck there until the company releases another iOS update, probably iOS 9.3.
What’s Next
Apple’s next update probably won’t arrive for a few more weeks.
The iOS 9.3 update is currently in beta and it’s expected to touch down in the spring with a huge change log for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
Apple is reportedly planning a March 15th event for its new iPhone 5se (with a release now rumored for March 18th) so there’s a good chance we’ll see the iOS 9.3 update arrive in and around that date.
Keep an eye on the iOS 9.3 beta to get a feel for the changes and potential fixes that could arrive with the final release.
Don't Expect Night Shift for Every Device | ||||||||||
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Don't expect one of the best iOS 9.3 features to come to every device. The iOS 9.3 update will deliver a brand new feature called Night Shift. Night Shift is similar to F.lux for Mac in that it adjusts blue light coming from your display in an attempt to help you get better sleep. Unlike F.lux, Night Shift is for all iPhone owners. (You have to jailbreak to get f.lux on your iPhone or iPad.) Not just any old iPhone though. It looks like Night Shift will only come to select iPhone models. More specifically, it's not expected to work on iOS devices that have older, 32-bit processors. That list includes the iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 4s, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, the original iPad mini, and the 5th-generation iPod Touch. Apple loves to please its customers but don't expect this to change between now and the public release of iOS 9.3. If you want a Night Shift type feature on your iPhone, and you own an older model, you'll probably have to jailbreak to get it because Apple's not letting competitors into the App Store. | ||||||||||
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01/19/2016 at 6:46 pm
0=3my best friend’s half-sister makes $87 /hr on the laptop . She has been out of a job for eight months but last month her check was $16467 just working on the laptop for a few hours.
find more info…. See More
Edward Riddick
01/24/2016 at 10:42 am
These aren’t issues caused by this update. According to you they were all present in the last update. Also why would I downgrade if the issues were still there? I updated and everything is the same.
01/26/2016 at 12:37 pm
I have two Iphone 5 phones. After 9.2.0 both of them have the exact same problems. 9.2.1 didn’t fix it. The battery life doesn’t work correctly. It will stay at 100% the entire time and then just be dead. Yes the phones work ok but not knowing how much battery life you have is getting old. The other problem both have is the inbox in the email app has went blank and never shows any emails. They are there if I check through the web. I have tried reinstalling the update, resetting the phones and everything else I could find online.
Mike Shazes
01/28/2016 at 4:17 am
My last names on my phone contact list disappeared.
01/31/2016 at 6:36 pm
ios 9.2.1 to iphone6 brought never ever faced issues. First the apps can be neither updated or downloaded. Then the battery drains out way too quickly and the phone gets unusually heated up. On top that when i try to open any app it opens slow as slug. etc etc
Is there a quick fix all these issues or can I go back to previous version of ios?
It makes me think when I updated the new ios over wifi i might have gotten a bug???
Heck iphone..
03/23/2016 at 11:23 pm
hi Jay
Any luck with solving these issues?
01/31/2016 at 6:41 pm
I’m gonna downgrade to 9.1, let see if that’ll take the frustration out,,,>
03/04/2016 at 10:26 pm
Did you get a fix to your issues? I’m having the exact issues as yours
Jordan Barrett
02/02/2016 at 11:07 am
after the update my GPS is constantly in use via the symbol in the top-right. No location services are set to “always”, but the most often ones in use are Compass Calibration and Cell Network Search. It’s like they never stop using GPS unless I reset my phone (6S).
03/30/2016 at 10:49 am
I have the same prob with GPS and I have 9.3
goo gle isEvil
02/03/2016 at 3:24 am
Where is the coverage of the common problem with ios9 mail app saying “This message has not been downloaded from the server”?
Sylvia caudill
02/12/2016 at 12:43 am
Ever since I downloaded is 9.2.1 my phone is totally screwed up. It makes phone calls without me doing it. It switches from screen to different screens. It shuts off while I talking on phone. Sometimes I cannot make calls. The mute button keeps switching on by itself.
02/19/2016 at 8:35 am
Sylvia – my phone wont work either. I can text in/out; however, I can’t make any phone calls and all received go straight to voicemail.
Alex Sharpe
02/13/2016 at 6:13 pm
This is the single-worst iOS update I have ever experienced. Since the latest update, I my iPhone 6 is now so frustrating to use in almost every way, that I almost want to trade it for a different type of phone. Between storage space bugs and iCloud data syncing, apps freezing and crashing or just simply refusing to open/load, slowness in rendering and other pesky bugs, I almost cannot stand it any longer.
This needs to be fixed NOW.
Especially the storage space bug, I can’t download new apps anymore, even though I have pretty much 60% space freed up. Every time I delete an app to re-download it because it was bugging out, I can’t re-download it because there’s somehow “not enough space”. Sometimes, I manage to hard re-start my iPhone and I can download apps again, but usually, it stays the same. It seems that the problems only continue to get worse, or maybe it is just me going crazy because I can’t get anything done.
Jonas Faizi
03/02/2016 at 10:47 pm
I have the same storage problem that is causing the rest of the issues you mentioned. I hard-restarted it myself yesterday, but it went back to the same things again this mornings.
Possibly the worst bug Apple has ever had when concerning easy use of their iOS.
Have you managed to fix this bug or controlled it? To keep rebooting this phone is useless in the end, cannot do that everyday.
Thinking of buying a new phone, a Samsung model. Apples decreasing quality and increasing design is so disfunctional it makes everyday life harder, not easier to manage. That is not why they created this phone, I’m sure. Not according to their humorist if marketing, anyways.
Alex Sharpe
02/14/2016 at 11:51 pm
I forgot to mention another huge bug. When recording video, a lot of times the flashlight will glitch on and the video will appear blurry as well, and not record right – especially appearing when posting to Facebook.
Jack Roberts
02/18/2016 at 11:34 am
Android doesn’t have any of these issue. just sayin
David Goodwin
02/19/2016 at 1:13 am
This is one of worst post that I have every read!!!! You could cut out half of the damn thing, because it’s so repetitive. The word “problems” is used more times than I want to begin to count and the way each individual IPhone is listed in places is appalling, when just saying all iPhones from the 6 and up is effected would work. Most readers now days, especially readers on tech just want to get to the point of a topic and be informed in an efficient way. This post is the opposite of that and if the author is paid in any shape or form needs to be relieved of their duties. The best part of this whole piece is the other readers that left comments about the issues they are having!!! So now I’m not only aggravated about my problems with my new IOS updates but also having to read this particular post on the topic! Good job Adam Mills
Sylvia caudill
02/19/2016 at 8:35 am
I hooked my iPhone to my laptop, transferred all data to iTunes. Cannot transfer contacts to iTunes so I sent it to iCloud. I restored phone to factory settings from iTunes. I have no more problems with phone.
Sylvia caudill
02/19/2016 at 8:39 am
I reset iPhone to factory settings thru iTunes and transferred contact thru iCloud and have no more problems with phone.
02/21/2016 at 7:01 am
I agree that the post is appallingly inefficiently written. Impresume it is to drag you pat more advert. Waste of my time. Bye bye gottabemobile.
02/20/2016 at 12:15 pm
Latest version of Yahoo! Weather app -the most recent culprit for Outrageous Battery Drain?
I’ve encountered severe battery drain on my iPhone 4s and iPad Air 2 running iOS 9.2.1 . I was suspecting the iOS update, but I noticed the location indicator showing up more than usual. In fact unusually more. After disabling numerous location services for various apps under the privacy settings -it was not until I changed location services on Yahoo! Weather from ‘Always’ to ‘While Using’ that my outrageous battery drainage stopped.
I thought I should pass on the info..
Indiana Lyon
02/21/2016 at 9:34 am
This update is absolutely terrible, ever since I got it, my phone says it has 0 bytes of available storage, even though I have added up the numbers, and I have even deleted multiple gb. apps, and I have even just sat there and watched the storage plummet from 2 gigs to 0 in a matter of seconds. I can’t update anything or download any more apps no matter what I do. Now I just have to wait for another update to come out which could take a matter of months!
Jonas Faizi
03/02/2016 at 10:52 pm
I have the same storage problem. We are not alone. Have you found a fix?
Resetting the phone to factory settings will work temporarily I have found out, but this only worked less than 12 for my parts.
02/22/2016 at 7:22 am
A major issue with 9.2.1 is the Game Center. It won’t open and freezes. It’s driving me crazy. Other users have had problems with IOS 9.2.1 and Game Center also. Apple needs to fix this ASAP
02/23/2016 at 2:17 pm
I have been on iOS 9.3 Public Beta since it came out and Game Center still isn’t fixed
02/25/2016 at 5:55 pm
see0=1my best friend’s half-sister makes $87 /hr on the laptop . She has been out of a job for eight months but last month her check was $16467 just working on the laptop for a few hours.
find more info… See More
02/26/2016 at 4:51 am
hey I have made no money whatsoever from these get rich quick schemes; and neither will you.
So start selling crack like I did! repeat customers guaranteed and massive profits, plus free food and lodgeings for years after your caught.
02/27/2016 at 2:31 pm
20%-60% battery just in 10 minutes :I
02/28/2016 at 7:30 am
I cannot open my iphone after updating ios 9.2 what should i do?
Sylvia caudill
03/05/2016 at 7:54 am
After two hard resets my phone is working with no problems at all
joe conery
03/09/2016 at 6:31 am
I hope 9.3 comes soon… I have 9.2.1 and I’ve had my phone replaced twice but problems persist… I have 2 issues:
1) screen freezes and a lack of touchscreen response leaving my to do a hard reboot hoping that I’ll be able to unlock with my pin code
2) phantom touches… Apps just start opening on their own. Random letters start typing themselves, etc.
I have the RSA security token app for logging into work vpn. It needs to import a soft token which does NOT transfer when I change phones. This is a huge problem for me right now. I don’t know if my issue is due to ios alone or perhaps an app like rsa security token on this OS is triggering the problem. Either way the ios is not isolating any processing bugs. The issue makes my phone nearly useless and when I replace it, I need to file a request with my IT dept. to get another token for to install. Uggghhhh!
Cook is F-ing sh!t up. My householh has macbooks, an iMac, 3 appleTVs, 2 iphones, an ipad and an ipad mini….I’ve been onboard ever since they went to a unix based OS. Do I really need to consider switching to android?!
03/11/2016 at 2:37 pm
I am havin the exact same issues. Text is always locking and often freezes, also apps seem to have a mind of their own.. Opening all the time and locking up as well
03/09/2016 at 6:16 pm
my iphone 5s won’t let me leave youtube
03/09/2016 at 6:20 pm
i have 9.2.1 it getting on my nerves apple fix ur frekin phones
Nigel Vine
03/11/2016 at 3:01 pm
I have instability problems with my iPad Mini 3 ever since I upgraded to IOS 9.2.1 the screen is constantly changing as new apps keep opening. And when asked to fill in username & password it begins rapidly typing away, you have to quickly reset before u get logged out. Took it to Apple they said the fault was because I had changed a cracked screen that the new update didn’t recognise !!! Consequently, they refused to do anything. Is there anybody who can help me, PLEASE.!!
03/13/2016 at 11:16 pm
just usually when i use iphone to watch any vidoes is gets heated suddenly. and some of videos are not supported for this 9.2.1 verson . and bugs are entering using whatsapp .
03/13/2016 at 11:19 pm
and plz send any updates to iphone 5s to resolve problems to use whatsapp
03/20/2016 at 9:13 pm
I’m having so many problems with 9.2.1! I put off this update for quite sometime because I didn’t have the storage to do it without my computer. my phone started to add blank pictures to my camera roll, my apps would close unexpectedly, phone would vibrate for a solid 5 seconds for no reason, messages wouldn’t send and dissapeared same for incoming messages. seems the only problem I’m NOT having is the battery trouble! I’m getting tired of having to reset my phone every 10 minutes.
03/23/2016 at 1:42 am
i have ios 9.2.1 but in my phone dont show new update ios 9.3. why?
03/24/2016 at 11:07 pm
Okay, I’ve been managing iOS 9.2.1 for a while now, and the worst just happened when my home button all of a sudden started lagging…. If we managing the improved os, do you know what it means for and home button to stop working on an apple phone, it means you’re stuck in an app…I cannot be stucked in an app Apple… Control and notification centers are both not working… Deleted numerous apps… When do we get iOS 9.3???
03/27/2016 at 3:56 am
Battery and internet problems. A Google search works fine but nothing happens when I click on any of the links in the search.
03/27/2016 at 11:53 pm
For my wife (iPhone 6) and me (iPhone 5s) it seems to be related to temperature. Every time we bring our phones to the mountains and store it in an outer pocket on our jackets (for easily reach), it is running empty in very short time. But back on the cabin and connected to charger it is going strait up to more than 50%.
Nadim elias
04/01/2016 at 5:40 am
Since I upgraded ti 9.2 my reply or forward mails are not going out from my IMAP company account mail
05/04/2016 at 6:23 pm
i would really love nothing more then to cross paths with the person or persons who live a rich life due to all us apple phone users. never once was my payment late. never once has my company failed helping apple make money. but recently i have updated my iphone4s . (i know the phone is old ) and it made it useless. i have wasted so many hrs trying to do all these nonsense fixes that apple has posted pretending to care. if they can send an update why cant they send something to me that fixes everything that the update they pushed on all of us has caused. what im saying is i have lost multiple opertunities for making money as well makes the company i spent my whole life building look awful. i am big on follow ups and responding to homeowners who call requesting my service. when the first of the month comes im sure no one will care about why i cant pay the monthly service agreement. if i mess something up when i provide a service i do whatever it takes to make it right and beyond!!! i am a small nobody in this world. COME ON APPLE !! help me make u more rich! i would really like to keep all of the iphone devices but if i have to take any more of my time to make this right i will be taking my buisness to a company that fixes what they make wrong
Baffour Yeboah
09/13/2016 at 12:14 pm
I have 9.2.1and my camera icon doesnt even appear on my home screen though I’ve turned it on
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