Watch Dogs 2 Release: 8 Ways It’s Better Than the Original
Back in 2014, there wasn’t a console or PC gamer alive that didn’t have something to say about Ubsioft’s Watch Dogs. With it, Ubisoft aimed to deliver a connected open-world experience and narrative different from other games. As Aiden Pearce, you took to the streets of Chicago armed with a few weapons, a nice overcoat and a phone that allowed you to hack into Chicago’s municipal network and wreak havoc when it served your interest. The game went on to sell millions of copies, setting us up for a possible Watch Dogs 2 release from Ubisoft.
Earlier this year, Ubisoft confirmed that it’d benched the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Instead of a new game in that series, it’d release another new game in one of its blockbuster franchises. Turns out, that game was Watch Dogs 2. In some ways, many ways really, Watch Dogs 2 is perfectly positioned to be better than the first game in the series. There’s a new story, a new hero, a new city to explore and all-new mechanics. The things that users didn’t like about the first game, the somewhat monotonous hacking of terminals, nasty vehicle handling and lack of co-operative play, have been fixed.
Ubisoft has revealed a ton of new features ahead of the Watch Dogs 2 release. Here’s how all of those new features amount to a better experience than in the original game, according to Ubisoft. The studio is leaving last-generation consoles out of this release; Watch Dogs 2 is only coming to modern video game consoles and Windows PCs.
Watch Dogs 2 for Xbox One and PS4 arrive on store shelves November 15th. The Watch Dogs 2 release date for Windows PCs isn’t until November 29th.