Battlefield 1 DLC: 5 Things to Know Right Now
All four Battlefield 1 DLC packs for PS4, Xbox One and PC are confirmed and today we want to take a look at everything we know about the upcoming Battlefield 1 DLC release dates, the content, and the Premium Pass.
As we push into 2017, DICE is improving Battlefield 1 in a number of different ways.
Battlefield 1 already features a solid single player campaign and its deep multiplayer experience will get even deeper thanks to free updates, new maps, and the upcoming Battlefield 1 DLC expansions for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC.
DICE is currently offering a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass (also known as a Season Pass). The Premium Pass allows gamers to buy all of the game’s DLC expansion packs at once. It also features several excellent perks including one that allows gamers to try DLC early.
The first piece of paid Battlefield 1 DLC is out for Xbox One, PS4 and PC and today we want to take a look at everything you need to know, right now, about the Premium Pass and next DLC expansion packs.
The company is mum about some of the important details so we’ll outline a few of our expectations here as well.
Check back here for regular updates. We’ll continue to update this roundup with new and important information.
Battlefield 1 Premium Pass
DICE’s Battlefield 1 Premium Pass is now on sale at most retailers including Amazon.
The Battlefield 1 Premium Pass is priced at $50, or, $10 less than the original price of the full game.
For your $50, you’ll get all four planned Battlefield 1 DLC expansion packs and you’ll also get the chance to try Battlefield 1 DLC and free updates ahead of their release.
The Premium Pass grants you access to the Battlefield 1 Community Test Environment, also known as the Battlefield 1 CTE.
The first Battlefield 1 DLC, They Shall Not Pass, passed through the CTE and we expect the next three expansions to emerge in the CTE ahead of their releases as well.
On top of that, the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass gives you access to all of the DLCs two weeks before everyone else. This mirrors what EA did with the Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
For more on the merits of the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass, take a look at our buyers guide. It’ll walk you through everything you need to know.
Battlefield 1 DLC Price
As expected, They Shall Not Pass is $15 when bought as a standalone piece of content.
This means the next three DLC packs should cost $15 on their own as well. It also means that the Premium Pass gives buyers a $10 discount on all four expansion packs.
Battlefield 1 Premium Pass & DLC Deals
The Battlefield 1 Premium Pass is $50 which means it’s more expensive than Battlefield 1 is at some retailers. The game retails for $60 though we’ve seen the price drop significantly since launch.
At $50, the Premium Pass is quite the investment. While we haven’t seen a ton of deals emerge, we’ve seen a few.
We don’t expect to see huge discounts in the early part of the year but we should see some retailers knock $5 to $10 off the price tag in the coming months, after the hype surrounding the first DLC release has died down.
We don’t expect retailers to offer a ton of deals on the individual DLC packs. Retailers probably won’t budge much from the $15 price point.
Battlefield 1 DLC 2, DLC 3, DLC 4 & More
The company has named the three remaining Battlefield 1 DLC expansions. They’re called In the Name of the Tsar, Turning Tides and Apocalypse.
We don’t know much about them yet though we do know In The Name of the Tsar will bring the Russian Army and four new maps. We also know it will be the DLC that follows They Shall Not Pass.
Turning Tides will be feature amphibious warfare and we expect Apocalypse to be based on the Battle of the Somme.
EA DICE notes that the four Battlefield 1 DLC packs will bring 16 new multiplayer maps, new Operations and game modes, new elite classes, 20 new weapons, and more vehicles.
The They Shall Not Pass DLC gives you an idea about what to expect from the next three expansion packs in terms of content.
As for their release dates, nothing is confirmed.
EA typically puts a couple of months between its DLC releases so we’d expect the second DLC add-on (In the Name of the Tsar) to emerge in May or June. We’d expect all four of them to be out by early 2018.
Nivelle Nights
In June, DICE plans to release a new map outside of the paid DLC expansions.
Nivelle Nights is confirmed and it will likely be released along with a base game update for Battlefield 1, similar to what the company did with Giant’s Shadow last year.
The map, which takes place at night and features the French and German armies, will be released in June for Premium Pass holders.
Nivelle Nights is currently being tested on the Battlefield 1 Community Test Environment, also known as the Battlefield 1 CTE.

04/06/2017 at 11:44 am
Can I play the dlc without buying a premium-pass, buying the dlc seperately or without using premium-friend?
05/09/2017 at 6:35 am
No not really. They will have a weekend here or there. Say your money because it will be the same thing. The 2nd DLC is already been pushed back from 2Q to 3Q which means all the others are pushed back. They are on to the next star wars money grabber.