Battlefield 1 Problems: 5 Things You Need to Know
DICE has patched some issues up but we continue to hear about Battlefield 1 problems plaguing the game on PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC.
Its been several months since the release of Battlefield 1. During that time, DICE has rolled out several key Battlefield 1 updates. These updates have delivered new features, tweaks, and a ton of fixes for lingering issues.
While these updates have patched up numerous issues with the game, Battlefield 1 problems are still a headache for many gamers.
This roundup looks at these Battlefield 1 problems and shows you where to find potential fixes. It also shows you how to report bugs to the developer so that EA DICE can tackle your problem in a future Battlefield 1 update for Xbox One, PS4 and/or PC.
Battlefield 1 Problems (2017)
As we push into 2017 we continue to hear about problems with Battlefield 1.
Xbox One, PS4 and Windows PC users are complaining about crashes, issues starting the game, problems installing Battlefield 1 on the PC and Xbox One, a white screen problem, a black screen problem, issues getting into vehicles, cheaters with aimbots, FPS issues, various problems with Battlepacks, and controller and joystick issues.
We’re also hearing about DirectX issues, aiming bugs, problems with the Dreadnought and other behemoth classes, issues with Kill/Death ratios, and occasional lag in the game menus (we’ve seen this issue with the Xbox One version of the game).
The company’s forums continue to fill up with complaints and we expect the list to grow as the company releases its next big Battlefield 1 update and its They Shall Not Pass DLC.
The They Shall Not Pass DLC will likely go through a beta before it arrives in March but we expect it to be riddled with issues when it arrives later this year.
How to Report Battlefield 1 Problems
If you run into an issue with Battlefield 1 on the Xbox One, PS4 or PC you’ll want to report your problem to EA DICE so it can fix the problem in a future update. There are a few ways to do that.
If you use social media, you can get in contact with the official Battlefield account. Report your bug to the official Battlefield Twitter account and there’s a chance the good people operating it will relay your issue to the game’s engineers. You might also contact EA’s official support account.
You can also report your issues on the official Battlefield 1 forums. There are currently two official forums setup for troubleshooting and bug reports. One is on the official Battlefield website, the other is on EA’s Battlefield 1 website.
EA DICE is also responding to complaints on the official Battlefield Reddit.
Where to Find Fixes for Battlefield 1 Problems
If you do run into an issue with Battlefield 1 there a number of resources at your disposal.
The first two places to go are the official Battlefield 1 forums. We’ve already seen a number of solutions emerge on both the EA forums and on the official Battlefield forum. EA’s also got a Battlefield 1 troubleshooting site that will be continually updated after the game’s release.
If you’re having server issues, you’ll want to head to EA’s website and check the health of Origin, Xbox One, and PS4 servers.
You might also look at the official Battlefield 1 Reddit/Battlefield Reddit. Users there have already release several potential fixes including solutions for FPS problems and more.
We’ve also put together our own list of common Battlefield 1 problems and fixes for those problems on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
If you encounter a problem on Xbox One/PS4 and it doesn’t directly relate to Battlefield 1, you’ll want to check the PS4: Error Codes website/Playstation Support website or Xbox One: Error Codes website/Xbox Support website.
How to Track Battlefield 1 Problems & Fixes
If you want to track EA DICE’s progress with Battlefield 1 bugs, you can do that.
The Battlefield 1 bug tracker gives you a glimpse into the various issues the developer is looking at and fixing as we push toward the end of the year. You can sort the bugs by Bug Type, Status, and Severity.
If you’re dealing with an issue that you think requires an update from EA DICE, you’ll want to keep your eyes on the tracker.
Battlefield 1 Updates
You’ll be able to fix some Battlefield 1 problems yourself. Others, like vehicle and weapon balancing issues, will require tweaks from the game’s developers.
EA DICE recently confirmed its next major bug fix update for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The update will arrive sometime in February with new features and a host of tweaks and fixes.
If you’re dealing with issues, you’ll want to keep an eye out for the update. You might even want to sign up for the Battlefield 1 CTE in order to test the February update ahead of its release.
When EA DICE is ready to update the game it will announce the patch details on social media and its forums.

Rikki H.
10/17/2016 at 11:07 pm
Supposed to get the code at midnight est for early play for X BOX 1. Still waiting. Midnight has come and gone! This is B.S. pay way too much extra for this kind of crap! Going to get money back tomorrow.
10/25/2016 at 10:19 am
There is no support for joystick in the PC version. Even after first update…no joystick support. #NoJoyBF1PC
02/14/2017 at 7:16 pm
This webpage did absolutely nothing more than direct me to EA’s forums.. the one minute I spent here plus the 30secs spent writing the comment were a total waste of my time LOL