4 Reasons to Wait for the 2019 Mac Pro, 3 Reasons Not To
The current Mac Pro was updated in 2017, but there are several major reasons to wait for the 2019 Mac Pro, or whatever Apple calls the new Mac Pro that we expect this year.
Apple’s been quick to update the iPad Pro, and we have the iMac Pro, but the Mac Pro hasn’t been fully updated in a long time. Professional users looking for the best Mac to power creative applications like Final Cut, Adobe Premier, Photoshop, Illustrator and other demanding applications are ready for a new Apple desktop, but it’s still not the best time to buy one. If you are in that camp, and you cannot wait, you should look at the iMac Pro, 2019 iMac and the 2018 MacBook Pro. Depending on your needs, the 2018 Mac Mini may even be what you need.
Here’s what you need to know about buying the Mac Pro today, and waiting for the 2019 Mac Pro release date before you upgrade.

Reasons to buy the current Mac Pro and the reasons to wait for the 2019 Mac Pro.
The current Mac Pro is starts at $2,769 with a 6-core Intel processor and dual AMD FirePro D500 GPU with 3GB GDDR5 VRAM. The $3,699 Mac Pro comes with an 8-core Intel processor and dual AMD FirePro D700 GPU with 6GB GDDR5 VRAM.
Apple has not upgraded the design since the 2013 Mac Pro introduction, and there are no USB C or ThunderBolt 3 connections. The current model, upgraded in 2017 is a small spec bump only.
2019 Mac Pro Rumors & Details
Apple confirmed an all new Mac Pro and professional displays in the pipeline. Phil Schiller, Apple marketing chief, told Daring Fireball,
“With regards to the Mac Pro, we are in the process of what we call “completely rethinking the Mac Pro.” We’re working on it. We have a team working hard on it right now, and we want to architect it so that we can keep it fresh with regular improvements, and we’re committed to making it our highest-end, high-throughput desktop system, designed for our demanding pro customers. “
We hoped to see a 2018 Mac Pro, but that wasn’t in the cards. Speaking to Techcrunch, Tom Boger at Apple said,
“We want to be transparent and communicate openly with our pro community so we want them to know that the Mac Pro is a 2019 product. It’s not something for this year.” In addition to transparency for pro customers on an individual basis, there’s also a larger fiscal reasoning behind it.”
We’re hopeful that this is an early 2019 upgrade so users don’t need to wait a long time for this upgrade. Apple is building this device with a focus on workflows of professional users.
Apple is showcasing new software to developers at WWDC 2019 in June. There is a chance that Apple could use this event to showcase a 2019 Mac Pro, but it is not confirmed. You should consider holding off to see if Apple uses this gathering of professionals to announce the new Mac Pro, but understand the release may not come until later this year.
This new Mac Pro includes a new design that can handle the demands of professional users as well as make a base for easier upgrades to components, so you won’t need to buy a new Mac Pro to get a faster computer.
There are many reasons to wait for the 2019 Mac Pro, or even a reason to buy an older model. Here are the reasons to wait for the 2019 Mac Pro;
- You Want a Modular Design & Upgradeable Mac Pro
- Wait for Better Performance
- USB C and Thunderbolt 3
- You Own a MacBook Pro
- Wait for WWDC in June
Here’s a look at the reasons to buy the Mac Pro today and the reasons to wait for the 2019 Mac Pro with a new modular design.

Jim Boarman
04/04/2017 at 11:24 pm
My god Adam, here you go again. Please just be an editor, and don’t write any tech articles. You can’t even come up with your own headlines. You always an original article title. You always use the same old sh#t.