Outside of the starters and legendary creatures, Nintendo finally revealed three new Pokémon that players can expect to be available in Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Grubbin is a bug-type creature that has the Swam ability. He's small, with pincers attached to the front of his face. Yungoos is a normal-type creature with the Stakeout ability. He looks like a weasel that's constantly showing his teeth. Pikipek is a woodpecker-type Pokémon. |
Zebulon Stutesman
05/14/2016 at 4:55 pm
there is no such thing as a pineapple tree. pineapples grow on a bush like plant.
05/21/2016 at 5:43 pm
there is no such thing as pokemon
Travis Pope
06/02/2016 at 7:32 am
That should have been coconut trees. Thanks for the feedback.
your mama
05/22/2016 at 10:14 pm
05/28/2016 at 8:28 am
Not nice
yo mama
08/26/2016 at 9:34 am
which one is the boy and which one is the girl?
09/15/2016 at 2:20 am
Pokémon do exist in your mind OK InUrFace get it OK don’t get wow what a guy that doesn’t believe