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4 Reasons Not to Install Galaxy S9 Pie Beta & 13 Reasons You Should



Install for Lift to Wake

Install for Lift to Wake

The iPhone's had it for years, but Samsung's finally bringing a raise to wake feature to the Galaxy S line with Android Pie. 

The Galaxy S9 Android Pie beta currently has a useful "Lift to wake" feature on board which allows you to check your lock screen for notifications simply by raising the phone to your face.

Once you get the Android Pie beta on board you'll find it in the Advanced features > Motions and gestures menu in the Settings app. 

An added bonus: With the feature active, your phone will start scanning your eyes or face when you lift the device up.

If you use iris scanning or Intelligent Scan to unlock your device, you'll appreciate this because you no longer have to press the power button to turn the screen on.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. John Doe

    01/03/2019 at 11:02 pm

    17 pages when it could have been put on one, pathetic you need all those clicks.

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