5 Reasons to Buy the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass & 3 to Wait
Buy It If You Want Access to the Battlefield 1 CTE | |||||||||
If you want access to the Battlefield 1 Community Test Environment (CTE) you need to buy the Premium Pass. The Battlefield 1 CTE allows you to test future updates and upcoming DLC before they are officially released to the public. They Shall Not Pass, In the Name of the Tsar, Turning Tides and the company's monthly updates have all appeared in the CTE and we expect Apocalypse to make an appearance as well. The Battlefield 1 CTE was initially limited to Windows PC users, but DICE has finally released the CTE for PS4 and Xbox One. If you own a console you can now test out updates and DLC ahead of time. Unfortunately, the Battlefield 1 CTE for PC, PS4 and Xbox One requires ownership of the game's Premium Pass. If you want to help DICE test for bugs or if you simply want to get hands-on with updates and DLC ahead of time, you'll want to think about buying the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass. | |||||||||
Joshua Day
10/16/2016 at 4:54 am
Premium has not failed me for BF3 or BF4. I have no reason to wait, especially if its just for “details”.
Bo Treat
10/20/2016 at 9:40 am
people shouldn’t support these kinds of business tactics. you for one don’t know what you are paying for, and as in battlefront will be left with a pretty shitty outright rip off on something you don’t really want. not to mention all this stuff should be in the game. but they are sandbagging, and bottlenecking the market and it’s content to increase profit, and manipulate you as a consumer…
12/03/2016 at 3:05 pm
My question is: if you are a deluxe or ultimate BF1 game owner, do you need Premium Pass? And yes, I agree it seems just another way to squeeze the customer for more money. The game has many issues that need to be addressed like: unbalanced teams (I have seen too many games where one team outnumbers the other by 10 or more players, this is patently unfair) over powered weapons and vehicles that seem unrealistic for WW1. One shot kills made from spots on the maps that are highly doubtful as well as being able to shoot through walls, rocks, mountains and other objects that should not be able to be fired through (hacks perhaps, maybe) Also, no showing the score of a game before you enter as was the case in previous editions of BF. I am sick of jumping into a game only to find that one team is killing the other with an insurmountable score, causing me to exit immediately and continue “fishing” for a closer game. So, unless they EA/Dice fix these issues I have reservations about paying another 50$ for DLC content. I’ll just go back to playing BF4 and forget this game.
02/12/2017 at 8:31 pm
unfortunately premium is the cheapest way to go and they’re not going to change that. DLC is everywhere now and unless we ALL stop buying pretty much every game in existence; it’s not going to stop. We all know that’s not going to happen. So what I do is buy the base game for the normal $60 and if I love it then I go premium so I end up paying $49 for 4 expansion packs instead of $35 every time one comes out. Plus they do add extra perks doing it this way. There’s nothing we can do about it unless we all go one a “gaming strike”
02/17/2017 at 4:06 pm
The complaints are pathetic; You get 16 maps, at least two new armies, weapons&all the other little gems they’ve promised that basically amasses to a whole new game, for about the cheapest price possible for a brand new game, on what’s probably one of the best period FPS games ever made. What, it’s suddenly going to turn into Crysis 2?
02/25/2017 at 7:43 am
Some of you are saying what a rip off the premium pass is, and how it should be in the game, but you’re not looking at it from the right perspective. The game plan is laid out, then is developed, and released at a reasonable date. The “extra” content is created after release, which developers do not have to do at all, but fortunately revenue is able to keep a game fresh. You’re basically saying they should work for free. The game has been developed, and you get the base content, but thanks to premium pass buyers, we can keep these games alive.
02/25/2017 at 7:51 am
LOL…….. You people expect to buy a new car off the lot for the base price, and still get the 22″ rims, underlights, bells and whistles included. Take games like WarThunder for example, although many complain about pay for play, that is not the case at all, and in fact, those games get better development, and content because of the revenue, whereas many games don’t stay alive very long. I am happy about the direction developers are going, take GTA V for example, revenue from those Shark Cards keep the game alive. I would rather developers stop focusing on getting a new call of duty out every year, and focus on new content keeping the game alive, and fresh,
john doe
03/03/2017 at 12:04 pm
hahahaha ’22 rims bells and such
02/28/2017 at 1:04 pm
I can see your point that it’s a sales tactic to get to pay more. However, knowing what goes into a game. The thousands of man hours, the endless trials, the constant bug fixing, and in the end, an awesome gaming experience, I can also see the other side. 4 DLC map updates for $50 comes out to $12.50. For all the work they’ve done to make this game, I’m happy to pay.
But everyone’s entitled to an opinion. I’m just a huge fan of Battlefield and can’t wait to see what they add next!
Cubic Grumpy
03/02/2017 at 9:34 am
yeah fair enough they need to be paid for their work but the problem with ea dlc plans is tjey take the best parts out of the game and save it for dlc its not that i dont like there being dlc its that the base game a pretty average and they will save the ineresting parts for the pay wall the other problem which is proof from the other games is dlc doesnt save a game it usually helps kills it by splitting the community when majourity of players have only the base maps what servers are more likely to b populated with a year from now when intrest in the game start to decrease bf4 mostly has the vanilla maps battlefront is just stupidly difficult to find a game let alone dlc maps and hardline last i checked there was only 1 populated server with dlc
john doe
03/03/2017 at 12:00 pm
i would honestly buy the pass if i were you, i know it may be expensive but in the long run i would pay 50 bucks almost equivalent to a new game and get 4 new map packs 2 new armies many weapons many knives and little gems they promise because thats basically a WHOLE new game base, which is what im paying for when i buy the pass, yes they try to make a bit more dough of their fans and consumers but its only to keep them making more and more content like what battlefiel 1 is which by far is my favorite FPS game, i bought the pass for BF4 and was satisfied, yes becuase this is a relativley new game they may have some issues like the team balancing and glitches but not every game is perfect when it just got released 3 or so months ago.
Oliver loth
03/04/2017 at 5:58 am
I play that game since the beginning. 6 maps I think and then giant shadow came out. For am early enlister deluxe edition it said, that all future dlc will be free. That was the only reason I stick to it and my friends. Now I see myself buying premium pass to get the rest of the maps to play I was being waiting for? Bf4 had 16 maps to start and you as bf1 player get nothing in all that time and now they wanna rip you off again? If I have to pay 50$, I don’t do it and I never wanna play ea again. Will play other games I am behind of to play. Hate these kinds of business!
03/10/2017 at 8:15 am
Eh, I’ve already learned my lesson from this franchise. Never pay full price for anything when it comes to Battlefield. I waited a month and bought the game for $18 at Walmart. Gonna do the same with premium. There’s no real reason to pay full price for a DICE product.
Robert Distefano
03/15/2017 at 2:32 pm
I’d love to see a version of this with the American Civil War… is there anything like that out there?
Scott Bush
04/03/2017 at 9:42 am
When it was still possible to make mods for Battlefield there was a Civil War mod.
As far as all you guys bitching that people should stop whining about paying for DLC, Rainbow 6 Siege. Maps are free, player base is undivided. This has been a major problem for EA/DICE. They release pay-to-play maps and then you end up with lots of vanilla servers and the dlc starts to die. I would pay for customization (which works in other games) if the maps were at least free so not just premium players could play them. BF1 is already experiencing a big drop off in player count and that’s not good.
03/18/2017 at 8:31 am
I have deluxe and want premium, but since winter update a major bug prevents all images in battlpacks pages from showing. So I can’t see imventory. I want to reinstall, but fear I will lose my licenses and therefore am hesitant to order premium.
05/20/2017 at 8:07 am
As a single player, would the premium pass offer me value for money? It seems like a lot of multiplayer based content.