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5 Best Android Remote Control Apps



Galaxy Universal Remote

Galaxy Universal Remote

Next is Galaxy Universal Remote. This initially hit the Google Store for the Galaxy S4, but since has expanded into an extremely capable all around Universal Remote for a slew of devices. 

The best part of Galaxy Remote is the customization. You can save each remote one at a time, or create one personalized remote that controls all of your devices from a single screen. 

Furthermore, the "Macro" controls are amazing. This lets you save a set of sequences or button taps, that does multiple things in a row. A good example is: turn on your TV, turn on the receiver, wait 2 seconds, go to ESPN, and turn up the volume to 25. All of that happens with ONE tap.

This alone is worth the $3.99 asking price for this impressive remote control. Keep in mind that this only works with devices that have an IR blaster. It doesn't support WiFi controls. 

If the app can't find your device, there's a scan feature that quickly goes through a huge list until your device turns on/off. Keeping things simple for you. 

Download Galaxy Universal Remote

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