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MLB The Show 17 vs MLB The Show 16: What’s New



MLB The Show 17 GamePlay Improvements

MLB The Show 17 GamePlay Improvements

There are many important MLB The Show 17 gameplay improvements and animation upgrades. The video below highlights these changes so you know what you get with the new MLB The Show game. 

The gameplay changes in MLB The Show 17 include;

 - Upgraded Ball Physics - this means new types of hits based on the location and spin of the pitch as well as the bat hits. Expect a more accurate experience based on real world situations. 

 - Humanity AI - You'll see players not always run to the ball, timing variety on step off and pick off, as well as other changes to make the computer players seem more like real world players. 

  - Cat and Mouse + Catcher Throwing Meter - The systems around pickoffs and the catcher are upgraded. The Catcher Throw Meter puts more control in picking off steal attempts.

 - New Catch and Throw Engine - More sophisticated catch and throw engine that fixes many timing issues and an overall smarter system that will fix throws and more responsive system with fewer exploits and better animations. 

 - New Animations and Personality - Player and team specific animations as well as new batting stances and pitching motions.

You'll also see animations from over 1,000 new motion captures to help make the game more realistic.  

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