36 Starfield Mods We Want for Xbox
Starfield mods will land on Xbox in 2024. In this guide we’ll take you through some of the mods we’d love to see hit the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S later this year.
Starfield will get even bigger thanks to DLC and official mods. Bethesda’s confirmed the first DLC expansion, Shattered Space, and the company’s also confirmed plans to officially release mods for Xbox and PC though we don’t have an official date yet.
Bethesda hasn’t outlined exactly how it will handle mods for Starfield, but it looks like it will mirror what the company does for Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Namely, we’ll likely see an official Creation Club and a marketplace for developers to peddle their unofficial wares.
While mods haven’t landed for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S yet, they are available on PC via third-party websites like NexusMods.
Starfield is still fairly new, but developers have already released a mind-boggling number of mods. They include UI tweaks, graphical updates, and even a way to skip the game’s intro.
Bethesda’s marketplace will have different ground rules which means not all Starfield mods for PC will make it over to console.
That being said, it’s our hope that we see a lot of these fantastic modifications become available for console so Xbox owners can enjoy them too.
Table of Contents
Today we want to go over the Starfield PC mods we want for the Xbox, a wish list if you will. There are a lot of mods out there, but this growing list showcases the ones we’re hopeful for right now.
The list includes simple mods like changes to the looks of health bar, but it also includes mods that have the potential to truly change the way we the game.
Enhanced Player Health Bar
Let’s start with a Starfield mod that’s extremely basic, but has a huge impact on gameplay.
Enhanced Player Heath Bar is a popular Starfield mod for PC that simply changes the player’s health bar color when health reaches 75%, 50% and 25%.
At 75% health your player’s health bar will change to yellow. At 50%, it changes to orange. And if you’re at 25% and close to dying, it will of course change to red.
It’s simple, but it’s extremely nice at a glance, especially when you’re in a particularly tough fight with Terrormorphs or a group of mercs.
Icon Sorting Tags
Inventory management (and really, just the menus in general) is among the biggest complaints about Starfield. There are a lot of mods that improve it and Icon Sorting Tags is one of the better ones.
In a nutshell, the mod adds new glyphs to the inventory screen so that you have an easier time seeing what a looted item is and what it does.
It also adds the icons to items your character’s viewing with the reticle which makes looting the game’s many areas a little bit easier.
It’s nifty and it plays nice with other popular UI mods like StarUI.
Easy Digipick
We love the new lock picking mini game in Starfield, but it can get tedious, especially in larger areas with lots of locked doors and safes. Enter, Easy Digipick.
The mod doesn’t get rid of digi-picking entirely, but it does simplify it by always providing two choices with one key and two key slots.
In addition, there’s also an Immersive mode which provides a more balanced experience.
Thee mod rebalances all aspects of lock picking while decreasing the overall difficulty. Master locks still remain challenging if that’s what you want, but lower-level locks are much easier to pick. Great if you want to save time or get out of an area you’ve been exploring for awhile.
Visible Skills Description
Visible Skills Description is an extremely bare bones mod that lets you see locked skill descriptions without having to open their respective leveling trees.
If you hate spoilers or just like figuring stuff out as you go, this probably isn’t the mod for you. That being said, if you want a better idea about where to spend your Skill points, this will help immensely.
Let’s hope we see a release for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.
Dark Mode for Terminals
If you’ve played Starfield already you know that many of the terminals/items you read from are white. If you want to put less strain on your eyes or you simply prefer a dark background, keep your fingers crossed for this mod.
Dark Mode for Terminals does exactly what its name suggests. It provides a darker terminal theme and it also makes the terminal startup less bright.
We think it looks great and it certainly provides a nice change from all of the bright white backgrounds you get at the game’s kiosks.
The developer is working on bringing it to mission boards down the road.
Better Visible Magazines
When you pickup a magazine in Starfield you’ll gain a permanent stat boost. Problem is, some of these magazines can be hard to spot.
That won’t be the case with Better Visible Magazines, a mod that makes these magazines much easier to spot in the world around you.
The popular mod adds a green background around the magazines so they standout amongst Starfield’s endless clutter.
Scanner Encumbrance Display With Time
You pick up a lot of stuff in Starfield and often times, your character will reach his or her max. If that happens, you’ll become over encumbered.
It can be a pain, especially because you have to go into the inventory screen every time you want to check how much space you have left. Not the case if you have this mod installed.
Scanner Encumbrance Display With Time is a nifty mod that puts an encumbrance display on the scanner watch interface giving you a quick look at how much space your character has.
It fits in nicely with the rest of the UI and it certainly can prevent headaches. A+ stuff.
Richer Merchants
One thing you may have noticed while playing Starfield is that the game’s merchants will run out of money to buy your stuff. When that happens, it will take in-game time for their money to replenish.
If you hate having to run or fly to the next merchant to sell your junk, you’ll probably love the Richer Merchants mod.
The mod simply increases the amount of credit held by all merchants in the game so you’ll have an easier time offloading your loot.
This will help you get back to the more important stuff like questing, ship building, etc.
StarUI Inventory
If you’ve been following Starfield’s mods, you probably knew this one was coming.
StarUI Inventory is the most popular Starfield mod out there and it has that distinction for a reason: It’s really good.
As we mentioned before, a lot of people aren’t fans of the game’s stock inventory UI and many prefer StarUI Inventory.
The mod reimagines the inventory screens with a compact display style, more information in the sortable columns, item tag icons, and more.
We have some standalone UI mods in this guide, but this is for people who want an all-in-one. It’s fantastic and let’s hope it gets a release on Xbox.
Compact Mission UI
Speaking of a more compact UI, here’s another Starfield UI mod we hope makes it over to the console.
Compact Mission UI, like its name suggests, has nothing to do with inventory management and everything to do with quest management.
The mod changes Starfield’s mission menu so more quests and Activities can be seen on screen at once. It increases viewable items by 50% which is fantastic for a game that features a mind-boggling number of things to do.
The Eyes of Beauty
Here’s something a little different.
If you’ve used mods in Fallout or Skyrim you might be familiar with The Eyes of Beauty mod for those games. If not, here’s what you should know.
It’s pretty simple, but the mod adds new textures for your character’s eyes. They look fantastic and the developer says more will be added later.
If you love character customization, you’ll love this mod.
Enhanced Dialogue Interface
Another mod that aims to clean up another one of Starfield’s key components.
Enhanced Dialogue Interface brings changes to the game’s dialogue screen, a place where you will spend many hours.
As the developer notes, a wider, refined and centered text area as well as improved text clarity featuring a subtle shadow for better readability.
We think it looks great, better than the stock dialogue, and we’re hoping it gets a release on the Xbox down the road.
Real Flashlight
Do you like to use the flashlight in Starfield? Us too. It’s great in dark environments like mining facilities and caves.
While the stock flashlight is serviceable, the Real Flashlight mod makes it even better.
In addition to looking more like a real flashlight, it retextures the flashlight gobo and removes banding artifacts for a much cleaner look and feel.
Immersive Shell Casings
Who doesn’t love a good firefight? We sure do. And this mod makes Starfield’s firefights even better.
As you might have surmised from its name, Immersive Shell Casings lets you see the aftermath of your firefights with all of the shells from your weapons. The count, lifetime and max distance of shell casings has been raised.
Bethesda’s put a cap on shells, probably for performance reasons, but this unlocks it and puts the shells on display.
Low Gravity
Have you ever wanted to jetpack around in the skies of New Atlantis or some other place in the game? Well, now you can.
Low Gravity a low-gravity mod that lowers the gravity and lets players to fly through the skies to their hearts content.
A great way to break up questing and have a little fun.
Enhanced Player Boostbar
Another simple, but effective mod from the same developer who created the Enhanced Player Health Bar mod.
Enhanced Player Boostbar changes the look of the jetpack boost bar. With this mod installed, your character’s boostbar color will change to the color blue and flash cyan when it’s. fully recharged.
It helps to differentiate it from the health bar and particularly so if you use it alongside the health bar mod.
Increased Space Loot Distance
If you love to fly around space in your ship, you also probably like acquire the loot you find floating around in space. Why wouldn’t you?
Well the Increased Space Loot Distance mod makes it much easier to grab the loot as it increases the default distance loot can be picked up in space.
This is perfect if you want to grab loot amidst a firefight or if you’re on a time crunch and don’t want to waste time moving your ship within range.
More Ownable Ships
If you’ve played a lot of Starfield, you might already know this. If you haven’t, here’s your PSA.
Starfield caps the number of ships you can own at 10. You can surpass that total if you get a ship as a quest reward and you already own 10 ships.
Lots of people hate said cap and that’s where More Ownable Ships comes in. This mod allows you to own, yes you guessed it, more than 10 ships at a time.
Spicy Clean Ship HUD
Love flying around in your ship? Love Starfield’s ship combat? This mod is one to keep an eye on.
Spicy Clean Ship HUD removes the circles in the ship’s reticle so that you have better vision while flying your ship in first or third-person.
There are several modes including one called Ultra Turbo which removes almost everything in the HUD besides the targeting reticle.
It’s pretty clean and a godsend for those who don’t like the stock HUD.
Improved Transit Signs
This isn’t a mini map mod, but it should makes shops and other places in New Atlantis a little easier to find while enhancing the games immersion in the process.
Improved Transit Signs for New Atlantis delivers a reworked layout for the transit signs that are not only more helpful, but easier on the eyes.
There’s a unique map for each district and the mod also brings the signs down to eye level so they’re a little easier to read.
It’s a fantastic mod and we’re hopeful it makes its way to Xbox down the road.
Perk Up
Perk Up is a quality of life mod that includes faster leveling, the removal of skill challenges, and some tweaks to perks themselves.
The mod removes all of the challenges required to rank up a skill. This means from the get go you can allocate your points wherever you want. Some people like the challenges, others may not have time to grind. If you’re the latter, you would enjoy this mod.
It tweaks the Weight-Lifting skill and gives you around twice as much carry capacity as you get in the vanilla version of the game.
It also tweaks the Payloads skill so you get three times as much cargo capacity and Fitness so you get twice as much oxygen capacity.
Burden Me Not – Clutter Begone
There are tons, and we mean tons, of items to pickup in Starfield. It can be a bit overwhelming, especially for those who love to look at and pickup everything, and this mod makes it easier to filter out the unnecessary stuff.
Burden Me Not – Clutter Begone is a popular Starfield mod for Windows and the quality of life mod filters the game’s junk from its valuable items.
The developer has created different levels of clutter removal which gives you full control over your experience:
- Basic – Clutter Tracking
Requires Scavenging Rank 4. Take over the resource tracking system to filter worthless clutter instead. Several research projects are added under Outpost Development. Tracking these projects will cause useless clutter to be highlighted differently, colors are customizable. Clutter can still be looted in this version so decorating is completely unaffected.
- Basic Quality of Life
Same as above, but removes the Scavenging 4 requirement so that the highlighting works as early as getting aboard the Frontier and tracking the research projects.
- Full
This expands on the Basic version by making clutter unlootable from the world. You can still buy, sell, transfer, or drop the items, and you can move them like physics objects, but you cannot pick them up from the environment, and they will not produce popups in the HUD. This version still requires Scavenging rank 4 for the highlighting.
- Full Quality of Life
This is the Full Unlootable version but without the skill requirement.
- Classic
Makes junk unlootable but cannot control highlighting. No research projects are added. If you really want to use vanilla tracking, and you don’t mind junk still getting highlighted, this version is for you.
- Overkill
For those who really hate clutter you can completely remove it from the environments.
It’s a really nifty mod and one we hope makes it over to Xbox consoles in some capacity.
DerreTech is a mod that adds a ton of new modules to the ship builder giving those who love building and customizing their ships more to play with.
We’re not going to outline all of them, but you can get a better understanding of what the mod includes by heading to the link above.
It’s an awesome mod and we hope it comes to the Xbox Series X and Series S next year. Fingers crossed.
Maybe you beat Starfield already and you want to tackle another challenge. Maybe you just like torturing yourself. Whatever the case is, boy do we have a mod for you.
Starvival is a challenging, immersive survival mod that applies a NEEDS mechanic with stages, new addictions, and full list of other complimentary features.
The NEEDS mechanic is actually pretty complex, but here are a few highlights:
- Your character will develop needs for food, thirst and rest. Each NEED has several degrees of penalties: from the most moderately harmless to the critically serious
- Each NEED has its own filling scale with a limit of up to 125 points. For each in-game hour, a certain number of hunger, thirst and fatigue points will be depleted. Each NEED has its own number of points and its own depletion rate
- From 76 to 100 there are no penalties. Starting from 75 points, the first penalties will appear and as you become hungry, thirsty and tired, they will only increase. Maximum can be 4 penalties at a time for each need
It reminds us of Fallout 4’s Survival mode and it’s great to see modders adding something similar to Starfield.
Auto Give Companion Gifts
Sick and tired of your companion bothering you with gifts? If so, you’ll love this extremely simple mod.
Auto Give Companion Gifts is an extremely basic mod that automatically makes your character’s companion give you items whenever they’re available.
That’s all there is to it. According to people who have downloaded the mod, it works flawlessly so let’s hope it gets a release on Xbox.
Visible Chronomark Watch
For whatever reason, Bethesda decided not to show the game’s essential Chronomark Watch on the player character’s wrist. No matter.
Visible Chronomark Watch is a mod that simply adds the wrist to the player character’s wrist so that you can see it in-game.
Obviously this isn’t a game-changing mod, but it adds a bit more realism given that the watch is a key part of the game.
Oh, and it also equips the watch on other members of Constellation. Nifty.
Royal Weathers and Encounters
Boy do we hope this mod makes it to the Xbox.
Royal Weathers and Encounters is, surprise, a weather mod that adds increased weather variety to all the game’s locations which is great for immersion.
So, instead of some planets being dry and sunny all the time, you’ll also get the occasional rain storm or heavy fog.
The mod also makes some additional changes to the game’s weather including improved transitions, increased weather change frequency, and various smaller tweaks.
Bounty Hunter Outfit
Tired of the base game’s clothing options? Well, you’re probably going to like this mod.
The Bounty Hunter Outfit is exactly that, a bounty hunter outfit and a really awesome looking one at that.
You get necklaces, you get gloves, you get a jacket, you get a beanie, you get a belt, and you get a really cool looking pair of glasses.
If you spend a lot of time doing bounty hunter missions, this will probably be an instant download.
TGs Buildable Player Homes
This is one of the best Starfield mods we’ve found to date.
TGs Buildable Player Homes lets you to build a player home anywhere in the game. If you like to spend time decorating your various houses already, or you simply want more options, this mod should be music to your ears.
A few notes: The buildings will be located under the Structures category in the game. The buildings are environmentally sealed which means you can put them anywhere.
They also come with doors and lights and there are also craftable streetlights and ceiling lights for extra lighting.
It’s a good one and one we hope makes it to Xbox.
Lived-In Outposts
If you like decorating your outposts, this mod will be essential, assuming it comes to Xbox Series X and Series S down the road.
Lived-In Outposts adds several shelves, tables, and bookcases with clutter for a more lived-in look. All of them look great.
Here’s the breakdown:
- Shelves – Adds 17 shelves all with clutter
- Baskets – 3 woven baskets
- Bulletin Boards and Paintings – 3 bulletin boards and 1 painting
- Lights – 21 new light fixtures
- Place Settings – 6 place settings.
- Desks – 2 antique desks with clutter
- Bookcases – 10 Bookcases and some have books and other items
- Tables – 7 small tables with coffee and/or clutter and 3 dining tables with place settings.
- Misc – 4 ceiling racks (two without anything, two with hanging flowers and herbs)
- More Plants – 12 new potted plants and 2 hanging plants
As you can see, it delivers a ton of new items for your outposts. And the developer says they plan to add more soon.
Immersive Landing Ramps
Here’s another fantastic mod that improves immersion.
Immersive Landing Ramps makes it so ship landing ramps remain closed when you land somewhere new. In the vanilla game, the ramp is always open.
So now, the landing ramp is closed by default and can be opened, and closed, from a panel in the landing bay. There’s also a remote that can be used to open or close the ramp from outside the ship.
Awesome mod and one that should get ported over to consoles.
Show Power Name on HUD
Here’s another fantastic mod that improves Starfield’s vanilla HUD.
Show Power Name on HUD is an extremely simple mod that does one thing and one thing really well: It adds the name of your character’s selected power to the HUD.
With the mod installed, you’ll now see the power name listed above your character’s health bar.
We often forget which power we have equipped so it’s really nice to have a visual cue.
Outpost Showers
If you love building outposts, and you like making them look lived in and real, you’re going to love this mod.
Outpost Showers adds three new and entirely custom built showers for your outposts in Starfield. Why Bethesda didn’t put showers into the vanilla game, we don’t know, but they’re here now.
Your settlers and companions will no longer have to shower in the sink and that’s pretty awesome.
Auto Door Closer
If you want additional immersion, or your brain simply works like ours where you want doors to close after the character opens them, we’ve got a mod for you.
Auto Door Closer does exactly that. It automatically closes the doors the character, or an NPC, has previously opened.
It’s customizable so you can set a distance, or a time, for when you want a door to automatically close. They won’t close automatically during combat which is a nice touch.
Eit Clothiers Plus
Eit Clothiers Plus is an outstanding clothing mod for Starfield.
The mod adds a ton of new items to the Eit Clothiers shop which is located in New Atlantis.
The items include necklaces, chokers, belts, jackets, hats, harnesses, and full outfits for the main character to wear. There’s even a cybernetic arm.
It’s one of the better clothing mods we’ve seen and we’re hopeful it makes it over to the Xbox side of things later this year.
Dark Universe – Crossfire
Dark Universe – Crossfire is a mod that adds numerous space encounters. There are 70+ encounters and they focus on faction warfare.
The encounters include:
- Piracy Boarding
- Faction Skirmish
- Faction Skirmish, Tides Turning
- Faction Stronghold
- Lone Ship
- Ship Under Fire
- Lost Unmarked Shipment
- Trade Vessel Mayday
- Stranded Ship
- Boss Fight
- Smugglers
- Hostile Faction Installation
- Lone Installation
- Trading Post
- Lone Trading Post
If you’re on PC, and you want to spice up the space portion of Starfield, you may want to give this mod a try. If you own an Xbox, you’ll have to wait and see if it gets released once mods become available.